Elastic Bands

This is a path planning with Elastic Bands.


Core Concept

  • Elastic Band: A dynamically deformable collision-free path initialized by a global planner.

  • Objective:

    • Shorten and smooth the path.

    • Maximize obstacle clearance.

    • Maintain global path connectivity.

Bubble Representation

  • Definition: A local free-space region around configuration \(b\):

    \[B(b) = \{ q: \|q - b\| < \rho(b) \},\]

    where \(\rho(b)\) is the radius of the bubble.

Force-Based Deformation

The elastic band deforms under artificial forces:

Internal Contraction Force

  • Purpose: Reduces path slack and length.

  • Formula: For node \(b_i\):

    \[f_c(b_i) = k_c \left( \frac{b_{i-1} - b_i}{\|b_{i-1} - b_i\|} + \frac{b_{i+1} - b_i}{\|b_{i+1} - b_i\|} \right)\]

    where \(k_c\) is the contraction gain.

External Repulsion Force

  • Purpose: Pushes the path away from obstacles.

  • Formula: For node \(b_i\):

    \[\begin{split}f_r(b_i) = \begin{cases} k_r (\rho_0 - \rho(b_i)) \nabla \rho(b_i) & \text{if } \rho(b_i) < \rho_0, \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases}\end{split}\]

    where \(k_r\) is the repulsion gain, \(\rho_0\) is the maximum distance for applying repulsion force, and \(\nabla \rho(b_i)\) is approximated via finite differences:

    \[\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial x} \approx \frac{\rho(b_i + h) - \rho(b_i - h)}{2h}.\]

Dynamic Path Maintenance

  1. Node Update:

    \[b_i^{\text{new}} = b_i^{\text{old}} + \alpha (f_c + f_r),\]

    where \(\alpha\) is a step-size parameter, which often proportional to \(\rho(b_i^{\text{old}})\)

2. Overlap Enforcement: - Insert new nodes if adjacent nodes are too far apart - Remove redundant nodes if adjacent nodes are too close
