Grid based search
Breadth First Search
This is a 2D grid based path planning with Breadth first search algorithm.

In the animation, cyan points are searched nodes.
Depth First Search
This is a 2D grid based path planning with Depth first search algorithm.

In the animation, cyan points are searched nodes.
Dijkstra algorithm
This is a 2D grid based shortest path planning with Dijkstra’s algorithm.

In the animation, cyan points are searched nodes.
A* algorithm
This is a 2D grid based shortest path planning with A star algorithm.

In the animation, cyan points are searched nodes.
Its heuristic is 2D Euclid distance.
Bidirectional A* algorithm
This is a 2D grid based shortest path planning with bidirectional A star algorithm.

In the animation, cyan points are searched nodes.
D* algorithm
This is a 2D grid based shortest path planning with D star algorithm.

The animation shows a robot finding its path avoiding an obstacle using the D* search algorithm.
D* lite algorithm
This is a 2D grid based path planning and replanning with D star lite algorithm.

Potential Field algorithm
This is a 2D grid based path planning with Potential Field algorithm.

In the animation, the blue heat map shows potential value on each grid.