Path Planning
Path planning is the ability of a robot to search feasible and efficient path to the goal. The path has to satisfy some constraints based on the robot’s motion model and obstacle positions, and optimize some objective functions such as time to goal and distance to obstacle. In path planning, dynamic programming based approaches and sampling based approaches are widely used[22]. Fig.5 shows simulation results of potential field path planning and LQRRRT* path planning[27].
- Dynamic Window Approach
- Bug planner
- Grid based search
- Time based grid search
- Model Predictive Trajectory Generator
- State Lattice Planning
- Probabilistic Road-Map (PRM) planning
- Visibility Road-Map planner
- Voronoi Road-Map planning
- Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (RRT)
- Cubic spline planning
- B-Spline planning
- Catmull-Rom Spline Planning
- Clothoid path planning
- Eta^3 Spline path planning
- Bezier path planning
- Quintic polynomials planning
- Dubins path planning
- Reeds Shepp planning
- LQR based path planning
- Hybrid a star
- Optimal Trajectory in a Frenet Frame
- Coverage path planner
- Elastic Bands